Bedste kosmetiske produktemballageideer fra Naturally Vain Cosmetics Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 357

Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 357

The makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll for January 26, 2015
Du kan måske undre dig, “så hvad i tarnation er denne mandag poll ting alligevel!?”

Nå, det er ikke ligefrem en afstemning. It’s more of a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past seven years. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you enjoy reading mine.

What’s the most unusual thing in your handbag right now?
Several bags of organic Throat coat tea.

And I’m not just talking about two bags. I’m talking about seven or eight, and I have no idea why they’re in there or how they got there.

They’re all Throat Coat, too, which is weird.

Oh, and there’s also a pair of dirty underwear…

Vente! let me explain (I assure you, there’s a completely logical explanation).

It’s because yesterday I put on a pair of skinny jeans that I’d worn earlier in the week. (Whatever, I didn’t want to wash ’em. Don’t judge.) So I put them on, and we were in a hurry because we were going to Cheesecake factory for lunch, so I’m like, doop-da-doo, I’ll just put on these skinny jeans…

We left the house, drove about 20 minutes to the restaurant, and then we sat down at our table at Cheesecake Factory, I put my napkin down, my hands in my lap, and I felt a weird lump in my left thigh…

Yeah, it was the underwear I’d previously worn with those jeans.

Has that ever happened to anyone else? Nogen som helst??

What qualities have you been looking for in your lip products lately (moisturizing, long wearing, etc.)?
It’s winter here in the U.S., and even though it doesn’t get too cold where I live in northern California, my lips get super dry, so anything I wear this time of year has to be very moisturizing and very comfortable. another big plus for me is build-ability and whether I can build the product up if I feel like wearing something bright or sheer it down if I want to wear it like a stain.

What’s a food you’ve come across that you absolutely, positively could not eat?
In local Hawaii-style parlance, it’s called tako poke. It’s a kind of octopus salad, and El Hub loves the stuff. He will eat it from dawn till dusk, but I can’t… I mean, I tried to once, and I came very close to almost getting it in my mouth, but then I saw the little tentacles — uh! I couldn’t do it.

Reading or hearing spoilers before you watch a movie, see a show or read a book?
No spoilers please. I would rather not know what I’m getting into, but my friend Cindy, for her it’s not a big deal.

Now, if I happen to accidentally read a spoiler, it doesn’t completely irritate me, but I try my best to not know what’s going to happen. I like to be surprised.

What was the last beauty product you touched before filling out today’s Monday Poll?
I think it was deodorant.

It was deodorant, because I just finished running, and I couldn’t even stand the scent of myself, so I put on some deodorant.


Din tur. Bare kopi og indsæt følgende spørgsmål i en kommentar med dine svar. Jeg glæder mig til at læse dem!

1. What’s the most unusual thing in your handbag right now?
2. What qualities have you been looking for in your lip products lately (moisturizing, long wearing, etc.)?
3. What’s a food you’ve come across that you absolutely, positively could not eat?
4. reading or hearing spoilers before you watch a movie, see a show or read a book?
5. What was the last beauty product you touched before filling out today’s Monday Poll?


Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Shoppe nu

Hej min ven! Deep breaths. It’s Monday, but that doesn’t mean we have to be all stressed out about it. My goal this week is to be a mirror…

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. let me kind of explain — whatever you project outward will reflect back at you, so this week I want to have calm and joyful energy, so that Tabs will hopefully reflect calm and joyful energy right back at me (I doubt this will happen).


Here’s to having a wonderful week! I hope something cool happens to you today.

Din venlige naboskabs skønhedsadmed,


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